Art was a Republican, Stan was a Democrat and they were best friends

By Brad Livingood / For the Post-Gazette

Life’s mission is long but seems to go by in an instant.

Disputes over religion have diminished over the years. But oh, not too long ago, what a big deal it was! Especially between Protestants and Catholics in the Beaver Acres neighborhood of Robinson, where I grew up.

good politics

Today, politics is what divides us. But it didn’t stop my father, Art, and our neighbor, Stan, from being best friends.

There was a vacant lot next to our property where we loved playing badminton and croquet with Stan and Florence, our neighbors on the other side.

One time when I was 6, Dad and Stan cut down several trees and cleared some brush. They made a big pile in the vacant lot, poured some gasoline on it and started a huge bonfire.

I tripped and fell hands first into the hot embers. That was the first experience I can remember having outright pain.

Mom asked me, “Are you OK?”

“Yes, it doesn’t hurt bad,” I said.

But I lied. I should have been rushed to the emergency room.

I washed both hands, then rubbed them with butter, which Mom said would help. It made the pain worse.

From that day on, I was known by Stan as “Sparky.”

Dad and Stan together were a treat to watch, and I learned a lot about life from them.

Stan was a steamfitter with the union, a staunch Democrat.

Dad was a corporate manager, a staunch Republican. I learned there are at least two sides to every story!

They covered everything from politics to world events to union/labor matters to religion. (They both distrusted Catholics.)

It took them one to two handles of whiskey to really get to the heart of the subject. They never agreed on anything. But the two of them were absolutely the best of friends. We all barbecued, golfed and vacationed together.

And religion? It didn’t matter to Art and Stan when they met Denise, my Catholic girlfriend. They fully embraced her.

Denise and I got married in 1975 and are nearing our 50th wedding anniversary. We have three daughters, Amy, Christie and Katy, and three grandchildren, Cayden, Landon, and Maverick. All are sources of tremendous joy for which we are extremely grateful.

This is an excerpt from the book “Surrounding Sparky: A Gift of Life” (Amazon, $18.95). Brad Livingood ([email protected]) now lives in Folsom, Calif.